Pavana Caitania napisał(a):
Oo Sacinandana Swamiego´,
"Wcielenia sie nie skoncza dzieki staniu sie nad-czlowikiem, ani dzieki wyintonowaniu wielkiej ilosci rund, skancza sie wtedy gdy bedzimy mieli rzeczywista i prawdziwa relacje z Kryszna"
Drogi Pavana Caitanya Prabhu, Hare Kryszna Prabhuji!
A ja mowie, ze nic sie zmieni dopoki nie zaczniemy intonowas suddha-nama, czystego Swietego Imienia Kryszny. Oczywiscie beda jakies male zmiany na naszym obecnym poziomie (anartha-nivritti) dla wielu z nas, ale glowna zmiana zachodzi kiedy wielbiciel zaczyna intonowac Czyste Swiete Imie, a to nie jest taka tania sprawa, wtedy dzieki lasce Swietego Imienia Kryszny osiagasz realizacje swojej formy, ktora ma wieczny zwiazek z Kryszna.
Ponizej zamieszczam angielski tekst piesni Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, najlepiej zeby Ci ktos dokladnie go przetlumaczyl. Przeczytaj go uwaznie.
kåñëa-näma dhare kata bala
“‘How marvellous and potent is kåñëa-näma!’
viñaya-väsanänale mora citta sadä jvale,
ravi-tapta maru-bhümi sama
kaåëa-randhra-patha diyä, hådi mäjhe praveçiya
bariñaya sudhä anupama
“‘My heart constantly burns within the flames of material desire,
Like the sun-scorched sands of the desert.
Yet harinäma mercifully enters through the gates of my ears,
And showers cool divine nectar to embalm my heart.’hådaya haita bale, jihvära agreta cale
çabda-rüpe näce anukñaëa
kaëöhe mora bhaìge svara, aìga käàpe thara thara
sthira haite nä päre caraëa
“‘My heart now sings out kåñëa-näma,
And näma dances on the tip of my tongue,
With ecstatic sound, echoing all around.
My voice is faltering, my body shivers like a leaf,
My feet, beyond control, dance without respite.’cakñe dhärä, dehe gharma, pulakita saba carma,
vivarëa haila kalevara
mürcchita haila mana, pralayera ägamana
bhäve sarva-deha jara-jara
“‘Tears cascade, perspiration fashions pearly drops,
And the hairs stand erect upon my pale supine form.
Conscious thoughts slip away,
And the emotions of bhäva plunder my core.’kari eta upadrava, citte varñe çudhä-drava
more òäre premera sägare
kichu nä bujhite dila, more ta bätula kaila
mora citta-vitta saba hare
“‘O sacred näma, You disrupt my life,
You fill my heart with manna sweet,
You sweep me off my feet,
And deposit me on the sublime waves of endless prema.
I do not understand what is happening to me,
I am confused, mad; my mind is in a whirl.’lainu äçraya jäì’ra hena vyavahära täì’ra
varëite nä päri e sakala
kåñëa-näma icchämaya jähe jähe sukhé haya
sei mora sukhera sambala
“‘Is this His behaviour, whose shelter I have sought?
I have no words, how may I describe Him?
Näma is wilful, freer than the wind,
Whatever makes Him happy, I treasure in my thoughts.’
premera kalikä näma, adbhuta-rasera dhäma
hena bala karaye prakäça
éñat vikaçi’punaù, dekhäya nija-rüpa-guna
citta hari laya kåñëa päsa
“‘Näma, O blooming flower of prema,
The saturated ambrosial trove,
Delight me once again with Your dynamic force.
Display even in droplets, Your wonder and beauty,
Steal away my heart and offer it to Kåñëa.’pürëa-vikaçita haïä, braje more jäya laïä
dekhäya more svarüpa-viläsa
more siddha-deha diyä, kåñëa-päse räkhe giyä
e dehera kare sarba-näça
“‘May You blossom in full glory and transport me to Vraja,
Lifting up the gossamer curtains upon the stage of eternal time,
To open my eyes to the amorous pastimes of Rädhä and Kåñëa, the Couple Divine.
O give me my spiritual form and keep me next to Him,
Destroy this despicable tabernacle that is shackling me.’
kåñëa-näma cintämaëi akhila-rasera khani
nitya-mukta, çuddha-rasamaya
namera bäläé yata, sabha la’ye hai hata
tabe mora sukhera udaya
“‘Glorious, wish-fulfilling gem is kåñëa-näma,
A boundless cloud of ambrosial rain,
Eternal, independent, and pure.
O Lord! Crush all obstacles that check me from chanting Your nectarine name,
So that I may soon welcome the dawn of pristine bliss.’”Cytat wziety z Jaiva-dharma, ksiazka autorstwa Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.